Slow Cooker Vegan Pasta E Fagioli

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Friends, I write this post with a heavy heart. There has been so much tragedy and a tremendous amount of grieving in our nation. My heart goes out to everyone affected by the shooting in Las Vegas.

Amidst the terrible tragedy, we lost another wonderful person. Even though I never met him, Tom Petty has been the most influential musician in my life. His lyrics have carried me through some of my biggest moments and hearing the news of his passing has been downright tough.

It was Tom Petty’s ‘Highway Companion’ that played on the stereo in the back of my high school art room while a small group of individualists worked out our complex adolescent thoughts on canvas.

‘Free Falling’ was the song of choice when it came to drives home from church down country roads with a close friend. And when that same friend became sick and later passed away, listening to the album, ‘Echo’ on repeat was how I coped.

On a cool summer night, Ashton and I joined thousands of other fans hill side belting out ‘American Girl.’ Our second time making the pilgrimage to see The Heartbreakers on stage and one of the few times we got to see each other while she was home before she went back to work in China.

When we lost my Uncle Randy 3 years ago, my brother and I helped clean out his home. Among the thousands of albums he had collected over the years was a copy of ‘Wildflowers’ that is now my go-to for long road trips.

Before Jay proposed, I confided that I had always wanted Tom Petty songs playing for our wedding. Sure enough, on a cold February afternoon I walked down the aisle, arm and arm with my dad, to ‘Here comes my girl.’

I didn’t even know I could grieve like this for someone I never met, but I’m finding comfort doing what I’ve always done when things get heavy; cranking up ‘Full Moon Fever’ and cooking up a storm. And this soup is a like that extra squeeze you get from hugging a friend you haven’t seen in a long time. If you’re hurting as a result of any of the tragedies we’ve faced as a nation, please know you’re in our thoughts and prayers.

Slow Cooker Vegan Pasta E Fagioli

  • 1 Medium Carrot, chopped
  • 1 Medium Onion, chopped
  • 1 Medium Zucchini, chopped
  • 1 Medium Yellow Squash, chopped
  • 1 28 Oz Jar Diced Tomatoes
  • 2 Cups Vegetable Stock
  • 1 Tbsp Oregano
  • 1/2 Tbsp Rosemary
  • 1 Tsp Salt
  • 1 Tsp Pepper
  • 2 Cups Kale
  • 1/2 Cup Elbow Macaroni

Add the carrot, onion, zucchini, yellow squash, tomatoes, vegetable stock, herbs, salt, and pepper to your slow cooker. Turn on low and allow to cook for 6-8 hours.

30 minutes before serving the soup, tear up the kale and add to the slow cooker.

Just before the soup is done, bring a medium pot of water to boil, season with salt and add pasta. Cook according to the package directions (usually 8-10 minutes) then drain. Add to the soup, serve and enjoy!